Prof. dr Borštnar Kljajić Mirjana "Assessing Digital Maturity of SMEs in Slovenia" Mirjana Kljajić Borštnar, PhD is a full professor in Information Systems at the Faculty of Organizational Sciences, University of Maribor. Her research focuses on decision support systems, data mining, organizational learning and digitalization |
Prof. dr Radičić Dragana "Innovation, digitalisation and reindustralisation – opportunities for the Balkan countries?" Dragana Radicic, PhD is an Associate Professor in Economics, Lincoln International Business School, University of Lincoln. |
Prof. dr Ćirović Marko "Neuro CSR: rethinking environmental communications and sustainable consumer behavior" Assistant Professor at the Faculty of Organizational Sciences, University of Belgrade at the Department of Management, Technology, Innovation and Sustainable Development |
Bajić Andrej "The impact of climate change on the financial system of the EU" Andrej Bajić, "Manager Deloitte Germany, Lecturer in Finance at Zagreb School of Economics and Management". |